To this day, Watchtower Society's doctrine still prohibits blood transfusions. A doctrine enforced that is actually rooted back to the days in which C.T. Russell's teachings were desired to be overturned, during the reign of second Watchtower Society president, J.F. Rutherford. This same notion stuck with succeeding Watchtower Society presidents, including Knorr and Franz.
Though Franz was well-known among many old timers in the organization to be the author of many of the books printed by the Watchtower Society, little is known about other contributors to doctrinal changes. One of these men is Gene Smalley. He is the author of this 'new light' (As opposed to C.T. Russell's 'old light') on blood transfusions.
There continued to be 'refinements' of this Watchtower Society doctrine as a result of the inaccuracy of research performed by the organization. More so, changes have been implemented due to the legal ramifications in modern times.
Furthermore, many countries have been issued public relations statements that would give the appearance that Jehovah's Witnesses are not prohibited by the organization from having blood transfusions. Nonetheless, if they make the personal 'choice' to have a blood transfusion, they are disfellowshipped and shunned. Of course, this is not mentioned in the information provided to the public.
Here's a list of some Watchtower Society publications and the stance respecting the organization's doctrine and teachings of blood:
12/25/1940 -
Consolation, page 19: Blood transfusions permitted.
07/01/1945 -
Watchtower, page 201: Blood officially banned.
01/08/1954 -
Awake!, page 24: Disallowed the use of blood fractions.
09/15/1958 -
Watchtower, page 575: Changed policy allows use of blood fractions.
10/15/1959 -
Watchtower, page 640: No storage of blood before an operation.
09/15/1961 -
Watchtower, pages 558-599: Disallowed blood fractions.
02/22/1975 -
Awake!, page 30: Hemophilia treatment condemned.
06/15/1978 -
Watchtower, pages 29-31: Hemophilia treatments allowed.
06/15/1985 -
Watchtower, page 30: Factor VIII not allowed.
03/01/1989 -
Watchtower, pages 30 & 31: Blood outside body permitted using dialysis.
06/15/2000 -
Watchtower, pages 29-31: Blood fractions from blood components allowed.
Besides the current no blood transfusion stance which started under the Rutherford Reign in the mid-40s, notice the other following oddities...
Blood Fractions:
No = 1954
Yes = 1958
No = 1961
Yes = 2000
Hemophilia treatments:No = 1975
Yes = 1978
Apparently, according to Watchtower Society teachings during the mid-70's God had a disdain towards hemophiliacs. Additionally, it took close to 40 years for God to direct his organization back to the stance that blood fractions are allowed. After teaching it was not allowed in 1954, approximately four years later it was permitted. About three years after that, it became prohibited again, and remained that way from 1961 until 2000. In 2000, God threw some more 'new light' at the Governing Body who gave the thumbs up to blood fractions.
To ponder the number of deaths the above doctrines has caused and still causes are staggering. Not to just adults but to innocent and helpless children. Here's a brief list to consider straight from some of the Watchtower Society's publications:
Adrian Yeatts - age 15 - Source:
Awake! May 22, 1994, page 8.
Dan Andersen - age 15 - Source:
Watchtower February, 1, 1996, page 15.
Irene Walter - age 2 - Source:
Awake!, September 22, 1972, pages 17-21.
Lenae Martinez - age 12 - Source:
Awake!, May 22, 1994, page 10.
Lisa Kosack - age 12 - Source:
Awake!, May 22, 1994, page 14.
Wyndham Cook - age 15 - Source:
Awake!, August 22, 1991, page 15.
Please note…The
May 22, 1994 Awake! is a good reference point alone as numerous children are spoken of who have died due to the Watchtower Society's interpretation of Bible verses.
A few more easily referenced:
Brendon Hood - age 4 - Source:
Associated Press dispatch reproduced on
page 70 of the book
‘Danger at Your Door’ by Duane Magnani.-
Elihu Canle - age 2 - Source:
Cambio 16, October 3, 1994.-
Kelsey Crockford - age 2 - Source:
The Houston Chronicle, November 18, 1995, page 42A.-
Kevin Rattenbury - age 14 - Source:
The Chicago Tribune, August 14, 1991.-
Lucia Gangi - age 12 - Source:
Australia's Telegraph Mirror Journal, March 25, 1992.
There are hundreds to thousands more which could be referenced, but we will leave that for your own personal research. A child of 15, 12, 2 years old age...
What 'choice' did these children have?
Indoctrination from an organization claiming to be God's channel of truth provides the directive and they follow or are forced to follow in many cases, their parent's consent or/and legal directive. The blood guilt is clear and is extremely saddening. It is an evil from a false prophet doomsday organization whose victims include helpless innocent children that is reminiscent of the
child sacrifices found in the Bible. Molech and Baal would be pleased.