It never ceases to amaze, the double talk or speaking out of both sides of their mouth you will find so prevalent among the literature, reasoning of doctrine, and information when looking into the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Take for instance, the
Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses from
1975 on
pages 34-35, under '
Part 1 -
'United States of America':
"By his own later admission, he had been “shaken in faith regarding many long-accepted doctrines” and had fallen “a ready prey to the logic of infidelity.” But tonight he is attracted by some singing. He enters a dusty, dingy hall. His object? In his own words, “to see if the handful who met there had anything more sensible to offer than the creeds of the great churches.”
The young man sat and listened. Jonas Wendell, a Second Adventist, delivered the sermon. “His Scripture exposition was not entirely clear,” our listener later remarked. But it did something. He had to admit: “It was sufficient, under God, to reestablish my wavering faith in the Divine inspiration of the Bible, and to show that the records of the Apostles and the Prophets are indissolubly linked. What I heard sent me to my Bible to study with more zeal and care than ever before.”
The inquisitive young man was Charles Taze Russell."
Interestingly, you will note that it was listening to an Adventist sermon which reestablished the faith of the ultimate founder of the organization known today as Jehovah's Witnesses. Do you think such a recommendation should be provided by Jehovah's Witnesses today to (re)establish one's faith in the Bible? Should an individual attend and listen to other religious sermons, such as an Adventist to help a person study the Bible 'with more zeal and care than ever before'?
Obviously, such a notion or thought by a member of the Watchtower Society would be borderline if not direct so-called 'interfaith' and possibly considered 'apostate' by the organization. So what is the logical and non-contradicting reasoning as to why it is seen as acceptable to have walked the path that Charles Taze Russell took, but not by other individual members who are known today as Jehovah's Witnesses?
This goes hand in hand with another point. Does God work through an organization or specific individual persons? Asking a Jehovah's Witnesses today, in harmony with the indoctrination they receive; in no uncertain terms stipulate that being a member and follower of the organization is a requirement by God. That is the only way to receive 'truth'.
Watchtower, January 15, 1997, page 22, paragraphs 21:
“We must serve Jehovah with his spirit-directed organization."
Watchtower, January 15, 2010, pages 28-32, paragraph 15:
"Each of us would do well to ask himself: 'Do I fully recognize the responsibilities that I should shoulder within the Christian congregation? Am I properly supporting Jehovah's way of governing? Am I proud to be a subject of Jehovah's ruling Kingdom? Am I determined to continue telling others about God's Kingdom to the extent that I reasonably can?' As a group, we willingly submit ourselves to the direction given by the Governing Body and cooperate with the appointed elders in the congregations. In such ways, we demonstrate our acceptance of God's way of ruling."
Our Kingdom Ministry, September 2007, page 3, Question Box:
"Does the "faithful and discreet slave" endorse independent groups of Witnesses who meet together to engage in Scriptural research or debate?
No, it does not."
Watchtower, August 15, 1981, page 29, paragraph 14:"They say that it is sufficient to read the Bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home. But, strangely, through such ‘Bible reading,' they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by Christendom's clergy were teaching 100 years ago..."
The problem presented compounds itself when, depending on the publication and time you reference Jehovah's Witnesses publications, you will receive different and contradicitng statements on the matter at hand.
For example, the
Watchtower magazine from
January 15, 1975 on
pages 46 & 47, as well as the publication
'You Can Live Forever' on
page 193, stress that it was always a group, a close unified group or family not scattered individuals that God was refining. However, if one was to reference the
Watchtower from
July 15, 1960 on
page 435 or the
'Proclaimers' book on
page 44, it stipulates that God was refining and working through scattered individuals.
So which one is it, has God always directed truth through individuals, as in the case of Charles Taze Russell and even directing one's faith through other religious organizations, or is it always a group and never with an individual? If for a time God worked with an individual and 'now' only works with an organization, when and why did the change take place? What is the logical explanation and reasoning? What is the stipulation, exact moment or occasion when God stopped working through one man like Charles Taze Russell, who started a movement in which a result of it is the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses; and instead, feeds 'truth' and provides 'truth' only through an organization where one must be a part of?
Does God work only through an organization where the Bible cannot be understood or interpreted by individuals, regardless of the amount of Bible reading they perform, as indicated in the
October 1, 1994, Watchtower on
page 8, and in the publication
'You Can Live Forever' on
page 193?
Is it through an individual, such as Charles Taze Russell, the ability is given to comprehend and interpret scripture? Does God work truly like he did, allegedly though Russell, to restore truth which was lost for centuries? The publication
'Jehovah's Witnesses In The Divine Plan', on
page 17, states about Charles Taze Russell:
"He revived the great truths...He was permitted to understand it…The promise of the Lord was fulfilled in him.”
Remember, without Russell there is no religion of Jehovah's Witnesses as it is known today. Additionally, there was no 'Governing Body' as it exists today within the Watchtower Society until the mid-1970's. Shortly after the whole 1975 fiasco it obtained the power and control it wields today. Prior to that, it was the Watchtower Society president who exercised complete control of doctrines, publications and activities of the organization. Nevertheless, asking the question again, does God work through individuals or an organization, one thing is for sure...
Jehovah's Witnesses need to thank the Adventist for reestablishing the faith of Charles Taze Russell. Thanks to the Adventist for restoring Russell's faith in the Bible. The 'truth' is thanks to the Adventist for providing a catalyst to the man who would be the beginnings and leader of an offshoot religion which is known today as Jehovah's Witnesses.