Monday, May 16, 2011

A Matter Of Trust

Taken from the March 15, 2011, Watchtower, pages 12-16, this past Sunday's study article for Jehovah's Witnesses, "Trust In Jehovah As the End Draws Near", does not take long in providing the intellectual dishonesty typically found within the Watchtower Bible Tract Society publications.

Straight out of the gate, in paragraph 1, the following is stated:

"WE LIVE in a world where millions no longer know whom or what to trust, perhaps because they have been hurt or disappointed too many times. What a contrast to Jehovah’s servants! Guided by godly wisdom, they know better than to place their trust in this world or its “nobles.” (Ps. 146:3) Rather, they place their lives and their future in Jehovah’s hands, knowing that he loves them and that he always fulfills his Word. —Rom. 3:4; 8:38, 39."

The section highlighted in red is what we will briefly focus on. The statement: "Guided by godly wisdom, they know better than to place their trust in this world or its “nobles.”". The organization then goes to quote Psalms 146:3 as the supporting scripture to that statement.

Let's take a look at Psalms 146:3 - even taken from the Watchtower Society's version of the Bible, The New World Translation:

"Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs."

Indeed, the verse does mention not to put your trust in nobles. However, the Watchtower Society is conveniently avoiding and hypocritically goes against the rest of the verse. A person should also not put their trust "in the son of earthling man". This would include the men making up the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses. As the verse finishes, "to whom no salvation belongs."

Going against the Bible - even their own 'trusted' translation, the Watchtower Bible Tract Society has made these remarks from their ""Bearing Thorough Witness" About God's Kingdom" publication, in chapter 13, on page 103 paragraph 9, under the heading "There Had Occurred No Little Dissension":

"When serious issues arise today, let us imitate the fine example of the believers in Antioch by trusting God’s organization and its Governing Body of anointed Christians, who represent “the faithful and discreet slave.”

Additionally, the February 15, 2009, Watchtower on page 27, in paragraph 11 states:

"Since Jehovah God and Jesus Christ completely trust the faithful and discreet slave, should we not do the same?"

The above is just a couple of many examples, where Jehovah's Witnesses are encouraged, admonished and even informed their very life, their eternal life is dependent upon their trust as well as loyalty to the organization, especially its governing body.  The Watchtower Society is so brazan and haughty that it claims even Jehovah and Jesus completely trust their governing body.

If the Watchtower was being truly honest in its writings and the well understood teachings and principles of Jehovah's Witnesses, paragraph 1 from Sunday's study article would read more like this:

"WE LIVE in a world where millions no longer know whom or what to trust, perhaps because they have been hurt or disappointed too many times. What a contrast to Jehovah’s servants! Guided by godly wisdom as interpreted by the governing body of the Watchtower Bible Tract Society, they know better than to place their trust in this world or its “nobles.” They do trust the men making up the Governing Body though, and refuse to be disobedient. Rather, they place their lives and their future in the organization that claims to be the only one directed by Jehovah’s hands, knowing that he loves them and that he always fulfills his Word."

The above would be a more honest statement to what exactly is instilled into the reasoning and practices of the organization. The article would be more appropriately entitled:

"Trust In Us As The End Draws Near”


"Trust In The Governing Body As The End Draws Near"

Or even...

"Trust In What The Governing Body Says Comes From Jehovah As the End Draws Near"

Believing the intent or the notion that complete trust in Jehovah and not as the scripture states, "the sons of earthling man" is what the Watchtower Bible Tract Society wants is foolish. They want you to trust them and their governing body. Listen, apply and obey all they say and write...Especially from their prime indoctrinating journal, The Watchtower.